Good questions, all.
This is a blog dedicated to the potential Pascack Valley High School in-between-fall-drama-and-spring-musical play, Disorientation. Few people know about the play (most importantly all of the possible actors and actresses), so I figured a cool way to get the information out would be through a blog. This way, there can be some chronicle to what is a rather unorthodox (unprecedented?) decision to debut a newly-written play at a high school.
Every few days there will be some sort of update to let you know where I am and, well, frankly, what you'll be doing.
First, a bit of background....
I'm Mike Anton, a Park Ridge High School graduate ('04) and recent Boston University grad ('08) now with a shiny new BS in Film and Television. In mid-July I was contacted by Tom and Mer Lupfer (the fearless directors at PV) about the possibility of writing a play for consideration to be performed this Fall. I leapt at the chance. Then they told me that they had an extremely talented--although rather lopsided--group of young actors and actresses and that it was hard to find a play that could suit their needs. Namely, a play with 20+ female parts and about 5 or so male ones.
Then I nearly dropped the phone.
Since then, I have completed one draft of Disorientation and am busily working on a second draft (I'm taking a break to start this puppy up). The basic plot outline is such: an all-girl's college in New England accepts boys on a trial basis just so the Dean's son can try and get a date. The first draft was a clean 100 pages, which, when read aloud and timed, was roughly an hour and thirty minutes.
Just so you know that the this script actually DOES exist, here's the first page in my binder:

And just so you can trust that I have some sort of talent, here's a one-act that has been performed a couple of times for you to peruse.
Juicier things to come.
What's the tentative show date? Where is the countdown timer to curtains up? I know you can make one.
When I get a direct date, I might be dorky enough to put up a timer, but don't hold your breath.
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