Thursday, October 30, 2008

Meet: Sarah, Meg, and Madison

Name: Sarah

Location: Bedford, NY

Household: I live with my Mom who’s kind of a bitch but whatever and my Dad lives in the city but he always gives me a nice allowance so that’s awesome. I have a big room but my mom keeps saying I can’t have people over and I’m all like “Mom, no, arite?” and GOD she’s such a pain in the ass but I’m like whatever.

Fav. Music: 50 Cent, Kanye, T-Pain, Rihanna. I already have a copy of Kanye’s new album and it’s hott. And no I can’t give it to you.

Fav. Movies: Step Up 2, Sex and the City, The Notebook

Fav. TV Show: Gossip Girls, that show is like my life! The Hills, The OC before it got stupid and dumb

Fav. Sites: perezhilton, gawker, defamer, TMZ

Fav. Books: does US Weekly count? US Weekly. Sometimes People lol

Personal Note: How much extra is it for room service? Who can my mom call about that?

Name: Meg

Location: Woodstock, CT, I know you’re going to be like “omg you’re totally from that place where those concerts were” and I’m going to have to be all like “no sorry that’s in NY and I’m from CT but they have the same name don’t want to ruin it for ya!” lolol

Household: I’ve got a Dad, his name is Rich, and then I have a mom and her name is Lucinda and I have a little brother named Gerald but we just call him Gerry but then he spells it Jerry and I’m all like “but it’s Gerald so where does the J come from?” lol. I also have a 6 year old dog named Sandy, she’s a golden retriever she’s the cutest and we all love her very very very very much!!!!!

Fav. Music: Well right now I’m totally loving the new Britney! And omg TI is soooo hot and his songs are catchy and I like Jennifer Hudson cause of her family that’s sooooo sad. Her songs make me happy, tho.

Fav. Movies: Ok so I LOVED LOVED LOVED Dark Knight cause Christian Bale is just soooo HOTTTTT!!! And Sex and the City? LOVE THOSE GIRLS! Totally can’t wait to be Samantha when I get a lot older! High School Musical 3 was totally awesome too.

Fav. TV Show: Real World is AWESOME, and so is the Hills and Sex OF COURSE! Can’t stop watching Will and Grace reruns. SO. FUNNY.

Fav. Sites: and perezhilton take up like all of my time. And I guess facebook if that counts.

Fav. Books: Um, I wouldn’t say I have one favorite book, I have a lot, but there are a lot to list so I’d rather not list any. But I really liked The Boxcar Children when I was younger.

Personal Note: What can I say? I really can’t wait to hang out with everyone in the dorm and it’s like so totally scary but exciting and nuts at the same time to be without our parents and then omg so much work to do in school with so much class time all at once but there’s so much time to hang out and get to know everyone and find out what they think and where they’re from and I hope they’re cool and they think I’m cool!!!! So I’m excited!

Name: Madison

Location: Littleton, NH

Household: My father, my mother, my brother Brian and the Holy Spirit.

Fav. Music: Amy Grant, Switchfoot, Jars Of Clay, Bob Dylan (only Slow Train Coming)

Fav. Movies: Passion of the Christ, Luther, The Mission

Fav. TV Show: 700 Club, some History Channel, Saved By The Bell, Charles in Charge

Fav. Sites:, christianteenlounge usually has some good links

Fav. Books: Of Luke, John, and Paul, of course, Chronicles of Narnia

Personal Note: I hope we have a safe and productive journey towards eternal salvation together!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Meet: Beth, Jocelyn, and Mona

A week or two before the school year started at Swinton College, the Resident Advisors sent out an email to all the girls living on their floor. Elmore Two's RA, Beth, sent out this sample listed below. Following that and for the next series of blog posts, we'll be seeing those responses to get a better sense of who these characters are.

Name: Bethany, but you can all call me Beth because that's shorter and means we're friendlier!

Location: Eerie, Pennsylvania! Biggest little town around!

Household: Two loving parents, an older brother Josh who is a sports star at Ithaca and a little sis who might get the lead in her senior play! We’re very excited for her!

Fav. Music: The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Spice Girls, whatever you guys like

Fav. Movies: The Princess Bride, E.T., The Notebook, Mary Poppins, The Two Towers

Fav. TV Show: Buffy!!!!!

Fav. Sites: facebook, of course! You guys can find me on there! Friend me, we can chat! I’m also on myspace, friendster, and I gchat, too!

Fav. Books: Shiloh, Twlight series, Lord Of The Rings, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Personal Note: Can't wait to see you all! I'm bringing Jenga so we can all play in the study room, so you guys don't need to bring one!

Name: Jocelyn

Location: Akron, Ohio

Household: My mother Laverne and father Geoffrey were both college professors, so they not only raised me but educated me for twelve years, too! The GRE was so easy, thanks to them.

Fav. Music: Mozart, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Bing Crosby

Fav. Movies: It’s A Wonderful Life, The Lion King, An Inconvenient Truth (LOVE Al Gore!!)

Fav. TV Show: MYTHBUSTERS!!! Anything on Science/Nat Geo/Discovery. Live for Shark Week. I’m interested in this MTV, though….

Fav. Sites: Google, Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Scholar, Yahoo (rarely)

Fav. Books: Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History Of Time,” the Peanuts comic collection, The Aeneid by Homer (yeah, like there was one guy named Homer who cam up with that right guys?), How Things Work, John Adams by David McCullough

Personal Note: I’m ready to learn all about you, and I hope you’re ready to learn all about The Big Bang cause I’m an expert!

Name: Mona

Location: Fort Lee, NJ

Household: A family. Do I really have to do this?

Fav. Music: Death Cab.

Fav. Movies: Shawshank.

Fav. TV Show: Alias.

Fav. Sites: The internet.

Fav. Books: Catcher In The Rye.

Personal Note: Oh look, it’s like you practically know me now! This was a waste.

Monday, October 13, 2008


After sending out the second draft to a small group of (almost exclusively female) friends and my two directors, it's pretty clear what needs to be done with the play: burn it and start all over.

Ha! No, even if it was crap I don't have the willpower to do such a thing. Professionalism, folks - just can't buy it in any corner store.

The draft has many characters and many lines, but it's time to trim down so that the story, themes, and ideas I would like to get across take center stage, as opposed to just shallow comedy lines. This means yet another attack with red ink, which will more than likely be the last draft of this kind before it gets into the hands of the kids at Pascack Valley.

We've also gone over the schedule to decide what works best for the PV kids, myself, Tom and Mer, and the hopefully captive audience who surely wants to knock down the doors to come see this. While I don't have exact dates (merely because I forgot, remember that professionalism bit up there?), here's a general schedule:

-PV kids get a gander at the play a week after their fall drama, Museum, roughly before Thanksgiving.
-General public gets to hear it in early January during a reading, with the cast on stage, scripts in hands, sitting in 30 or so chairs.
-General public gets both audio and visual stimulation in early May, when the play is staged and put up for the first time in the history of the world, mankind, seeing eye dogs, etc. etc.

There's a lot of time between January and now, so every few days I'll be putting up a detailed sketch of each and every character. Mostly, it will be likes/dislikes of their music, movies, TV shows, websites, and a bit of a bio on each one. This lets you, the faithful blog reader, in to who these characters are, and allows me, the faithful writer, to get an even better grasp of who these characters are.

I'm still not sure if I should do it in any specific direction (ie from least lines to most lines or the other way around, alphabetical) so I'll probably just do it at random, as there are no small parts, just small people, like Mini-Me.