Monday, October 27, 2008

Meet: Beth, Jocelyn, and Mona

A week or two before the school year started at Swinton College, the Resident Advisors sent out an email to all the girls living on their floor. Elmore Two's RA, Beth, sent out this sample listed below. Following that and for the next series of blog posts, we'll be seeing those responses to get a better sense of who these characters are.

Name: Bethany, but you can all call me Beth because that's shorter and means we're friendlier!

Location: Eerie, Pennsylvania! Biggest little town around!

Household: Two loving parents, an older brother Josh who is a sports star at Ithaca and a little sis who might get the lead in her senior play! We’re very excited for her!

Fav. Music: The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Spice Girls, whatever you guys like

Fav. Movies: The Princess Bride, E.T., The Notebook, Mary Poppins, The Two Towers

Fav. TV Show: Buffy!!!!!

Fav. Sites: facebook, of course! You guys can find me on there! Friend me, we can chat! I’m also on myspace, friendster, and I gchat, too!

Fav. Books: Shiloh, Twlight series, Lord Of The Rings, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Personal Note: Can't wait to see you all! I'm bringing Jenga so we can all play in the study room, so you guys don't need to bring one!

Name: Jocelyn

Location: Akron, Ohio

Household: My mother Laverne and father Geoffrey were both college professors, so they not only raised me but educated me for twelve years, too! The GRE was so easy, thanks to them.

Fav. Music: Mozart, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Bing Crosby

Fav. Movies: It’s A Wonderful Life, The Lion King, An Inconvenient Truth (LOVE Al Gore!!)

Fav. TV Show: MYTHBUSTERS!!! Anything on Science/Nat Geo/Discovery. Live for Shark Week. I’m interested in this MTV, though….

Fav. Sites: Google, Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Scholar, Yahoo (rarely)

Fav. Books: Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History Of Time,” the Peanuts comic collection, The Aeneid by Homer (yeah, like there was one guy named Homer who cam up with that right guys?), How Things Work, John Adams by David McCullough

Personal Note: I’m ready to learn all about you, and I hope you’re ready to learn all about The Big Bang cause I’m an expert!

Name: Mona

Location: Fort Lee, NJ

Household: A family. Do I really have to do this?

Fav. Music: Death Cab.

Fav. Movies: Shawshank.

Fav. TV Show: Alias.

Fav. Sites: The internet.

Fav. Books: Catcher In The Rye.

Personal Note: Oh look, it’s like you practically know me now! This was a waste.

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