Saturday, January 31, 2009

Clean Up On Aisle Three

Well, it's about that time again to break out a red pen and start massacring the play I love so dearly. Sigh. It has to be.

But now I get to use Yoooouuuur Help!

In order to get from draft to draft I'd send the play out in various forms to get feedback from friends, fellow writers, people who have never seen a play, and people who love theater to the point where it's nearly a disease and I have obtained a great deal of notes that have influenced the current draft. And that's great and all...

..but none of them have acted in the parts.

Even though the reading was cancelled, all of you wonderful cast members have walked a bit in your characters' shoes, and that's very helpful to me. For example, Beth will be saying "boy-slash-girl" now thanks to Maja, and Rachel will have slightly less to spit out as Ms. Barron, for some of her lines should be cut.

However, as you can tell, those are only two characters and, while I gleaned a lot from the first reading, it's not enough to warrant doing another draft without your help. So, at some point in the weeks ahead, we're all gonna have a nice sit-down and talk about your characters. Consider this your heads up, giving you enough time to poke your heads out of your Seussical tome of songs you call a "script" to consider some things.

We won't be asking if you like your role, if you have enough lines, if you should be in more scenes. That's certainly not the point. But, if you've gone through the script and feel like one of your lines doesn't fit your character, or that there is a line that could be expanded upon to fit the situation, that would be nice. If there is something that you don't know about your character's back story that isn't explained, if your character feels shoe-horned into a scene, or asking why they would say "this" at that time, those things could help a great deal.

Another big key is if a line sounds clunky, or doesn't feel completely natural coming out of your mouth (save for Barron; remember, "slightly" is the key word from earlier!). You have an experience that is unique unto yourselves: actually saying these lines in character.

And just for the hell of it, a general question survey, too! God bless the internet.

Hope you all have noticed the little Swinton College crest that sits on the top right of the page. It is done by the wonderful and talented Erik Didriksen, and yes, that's real Latin and is spelled correctly (according to a guy who took Latin in high school). It's by no means a final draft, but it spruces up the page (notice how the crest colors are the blogs colors? ZOMG!) nicely. Also, the t-shirts for this show could be awesome.

So read up! Get useful questions! Fill out the survey! Rah Rah! Etc! See you soon!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So About That Reading Bid-ness....

The reading of Disorientation has been cancelled due to the inclement weather on the 10th and no good date to do it other than that one. It was a nice time before Seussical got underway, but alas, it is now Seussical (and Curtains!) time and it's not fair to throw a reading together at this time. At a certain point, I will be coming in to talk to all of you PV kids to discuss your thoughts on the play, how your characters work in the play itself, if something you feel isn't right for your character, or if there general things you have a question about. After this, I start work on Draft Four (The Final Draaaaaaaft) and hopefully get it into your hands by the first week of February, while gender-challenged monkeys are jumping off trampolines.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

From The Vault: The Treatment

About a week or two after Tom and Mer asked me to consider writing a play for them, I had a driving trip up to Boston where I was screaming plot details and characters into my phone's voice recorder and my home answering machine. Eventually, I tried to piece everything together into one rambling treatment. A treatment is a document that a screenwriter creates as a synopsis to tell the story if he's pitching it to a studio or a producer. it is usually single-spaced and 4 pages long. What you're about to read is mostly rambling, but let's just lie for a bit and make it look like I'm actually a professional ok, good, thank you very much.

Look for a non-fleshed out plot, only a handful of characters (Beth, Alison, Will, Barron, Dean Anderson, Vicky, Jocelyn, Sarah, Becca, and Katy), but a lot of specific stuff that has lasted. Also, you can see where I need to take Alison back to, how simplistic Vicky once was, and the definitive answer on Barron and Dean Anderson. Enjoy...

Here's a very preliminary synopsis of what I'm thinking about for the play. There is little in the way of a full plot and I haven't named the college or the characters, so just try and follow along.

We find ourselves at a tiny All-Girls New England liberal college. It's a new year and there are a whole slew of new freshman girls at the first meeting on the second floor with their RA. The RA begins to tell them about college, what to expect, if they need anything to come to her room, it's one of the two singles on the floor. She also says that the Dean of Students wants to come in and talk to them.

dean of Students arrives and states that he was informed a personal meeting instead of a letter or large group gathering would be more benefiecial to explain the changes that are going on this year. For example, the meal plan has been slightly expanded, so the normal plan will now get you 15 meals a week, and that you can buy used college textbooks. Oh, yeah, one more thing: as a temporary plan, they've accepted 8 boys. Once will be living on this very floor. His name is [something, I'm thinking William/Will], he is a sweet, sharp boy who enjoys sports and movies hat most kids would like, so please befriend him. He's also somewhat handsome. To help ease everyone in, there will be a first-ever Homecoming Dance after the D-III Women's Field Hockey Game (it's their only sport).

he leaves to go on to the next dorm floor leaving the 25 or so girls in a tizzy for the RA. Then we meet the Hall Director, a '74 Graduate who takes her job far too seriously. Although she believes that this is a terrible idea and ruins the credibility of the school, she will still do her job the [whatever it's called] Way! The way that this works now is the boy gets the single on the other side of the hall as well as one of the giant bathrooms, since we can't have co-ed bathrooms now can we? All the girls admittedly lose their ____ and yell and scream.

We meet the new boy as he is moving in. he walks into his room, plops his stuff down, turns to go out the door and is met by 25 new faces, staring at him like he's a monkey in a zoo. He says hi, they all say "hello" back, and they have a conversation as two organisms. Some give him ____ for being there, some flirt, some are apathetic.

Another scene involves the boys sitting in the Dean's office, waiting for him to come in. They have a discussion about how weird it is for the boy, that he doesn't have any of his friends here, there are too many girls, no one gets him, etc. Then the Dean makes some comment about how maybe he isn't trying hard enough to meet new people. Then the boy calls him ?Dad, and we have a little plot explanation where the father only made the college co-ed so that his son can get a date for once. "My god, if you fail here, surrounded by women...I just don't know what to do with you, son." Then the Dad regales his son about how he was a real ladies man back in the day )he's going to be a fat, 50s, maybe balding individual...and it will turn out to be bull anyway - he just wants to live vicariously through his son/give his son a better time in college than him, etc.) The boy is sent out again to get some ladies.

Eventually it comes down that since there are so few boys and so many girls, men and women are not allowed to be in the same dorm room past 9 PM. Possibly a more for general (genital?) health. We will be focusing on a number of girls, including two or three stoners, a sort of disillusioned girl, a turbo slut from the get-go, a sheltered girl who gets a taste of college life and goes off the walls and is probably sent home for a bit.

My idea for the main set is three dorm room doors and the hall on stage and one or two rooms that the girls will end up in. Also, since there is only one bathroom for the girls, this could be a fun way to get all of them on stage, and all doing something totally different (one doing her nails, one brushing her teeth, one in the back taking a shower, and doing everything direct towards the audience like it's a Wes Anderson film).

Eventually everything leads up to the Homecoming Dance, but n one actually does the dance itself and everyone gets all self-affirmed to be who they are. Hurrah!

RA - Junior girl there to help mentor and talk to everyone. Sort of like Lucy from Peanuts is the way I'd like to describe, a reluctant girl in charge of helping people through this weird situation during the extraordinarily weird situation that is college in general. Good hearted, maybe not the best one to get advice from.
Main Girl - College freshman, just came on in and is looking for something. A tad disillusioned by the idea of "college," came here to escape the usual trappings of frat parties and boys to focus on her work. Whoops. There goes that. Maybe transferring? Possibly named Mary [Ed. Note: it would be a play on the school William & Mary, which accepts both sexes, so I don't know why I thought I was so clever....]
Dean's Son - Maybe a tad dry or dull, eventually opens up to Main Girl. Is segregated, cannot relate to anyone on his floor. It's hard enough leaving your friends, let alone having no one of the same sex to deal with. Possibly named Will (lol William and Mary lol). [Ed. Note: See! Yuck.
Hall Director - Woman who is very strict and caught in her ways. Form and order are her Old and New Testament. She will be the main antagonist in the story, and eventually her pro-woman stance will alienate both the few boys (especially Dean's Son) and girls. Was toying with the idea that this is Dean's ex-wife and Dean's Son's Mom. That would add a lot of stress to the proceedings, methinks. [Ed. Note: Well Rachel, there ya go]
Dean - Complete idiot. Has no idea what his son wants or who he really is. Isn't very good at his job (look what he did, for chrissakes!). Will be sparingly seen, but might have the best lines.
TurboSlut - Will do all the guys in the school save for Dean's Son (7 of 8), including one of the gay guys. She is actively going after Dean's Son if only to stave off boredom. Will have another dimension, not sure what yet.
Sheltered Girl - One of those "oh, my Mom kept me locked up to do homework and I haven't seen the sun in 8 years. What is this 'rap music' you speak of?" girls who goes to one party and loses her mind, walking around asking to party every day. Eventually she gets shipped home and comes back towards the end in her normal sheltered self, until she has a drink from someone at the Homecoming dance....
Stoner girls - Can't be college without goofy stoners! Will throw them in the mix. Might want to go hang out with "mary" or take a walk with "mary" and at the end reveal that there is a girl named Mary that's in a different dorm. Ha HA! And you thought they were smoking weed. Tsk tsk. And the like.
Random girls - I'm thinking of 10 or 15 more named parts for the backgrounds of the bathroom scenes, or people who just pass by in the halls. A lot of scenes I want to set in big social settings, and they will have a lot of lines. my favorite things in plays are group scenes, and these girls will have specific characters and say specific things. None of this "All" stuff. Hate that. Lazy bastards.

Clearly I haven't fleshed anything out, but I think there's a starting point and an eventual end point where everyone just sort of gets over their own disorientations and figure out that being themselves (no matter sexual orientation, gender, or feeling) is the best way to go about life. We'll get there. Eventually.

Any questions and such, by all means, since I'm sure there are many.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Award-Winning PV Theatre

Pascack Valley High School's Theatre program took home two awards at Montclair State's Theater Night awards. Many congratulations to Liz Lehman for her win Outstanding Achievement in Graphic Design and for Merielle Lupfer for her work in Outstanding Achievement in Properties Design. Huzzah!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Disorientation reading POSTPONED

It's times like these that try men's souls. Or something.

Anyway, the supposed incredible amount of snow has put PV theatre in the opinion that it wouldn't be nice to have people come through 3 or 4 inches of snow, enjoy a reading, then send everyone out into 8-10 inches. That's just not being considerate, is it? So the reading is postponed, possibly in the next two weekends, or simply never again. We shall see.

I was going to sandwich the "congratulations" post in here, too, but that's not cool. So look for a "congratulations" post tomorrow! WOO HOO!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

...Any Questions?

It seems as if there are some references, turns of phrases, and motivations that you might feel you're not be totally on point about, you can leave a question here or hit me on my email, kingmanton [a] I'd prefer here, so maybe you can answer someone else's question.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

You Can't Meet: Anyone Else

...Cause you've met them all. As a man of my word (kinda, sorta), all the character descriptions are finished before the first rehearsal. There are three posts up below this post, so if you want to scroll down they are all there. If you just want a link, then you can find:

Katy, Rachel, Haley, and Angelica here,

Toby, Clint, Gavin, and Nathaniel here,

and Dean Anderson/Ms. Barron here.

For now, let's all hope that the Vikings beat the Iggles so that I'm a happy boy when I see you all tomorrow for the first rehearsal. Hurrah hurrah.

Meet: Dean Anderson and Ms. Barron

Note: These surveys were sent out by Elmore Two's Resident Advsior Beth to both Dean Anderson and the Hall Director, Ms. Barron, with the intent of sharing this with the students upon their arrival. After reviewing both submissions, it was decided it would be best if they were not shared with the residents.

Name: Ms. Barron, not "Miss" or "Mrs." but "Ms." as my personal life should not effect my title

Location: Swinton College, naturally. That’s where I am writing this, as you just handed this to me Beth. To be even more precise, Elmore, Floor Two.

Household: That is none of your business. We have a professional working relationship and the students would not benefit from such knowledge.

Fav. Music: Early Bob Dylan (before he sold out), CSNY, Joan Baez, and Aimee Mann if you want something contemporary.

Fav. Movies: Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Shadow of a Doubt, Notorious, Casablanca, Magnolia, if you want something in color

Fav. TV Show: Television is not something I waste my time with.

Fav. Sites: is my new homepage. I am just waiting for the official word to come and when the site goes up.

Fav. Books: Tidal Wave, The Color Purple, Before Women Had Wings, Their Eyes Were Watching God

Personal Note: I hope this was insightful, although I’m not sure why it would be or why you would bother asking of me such questions. Enjoy the school year.

Name: Dean Anderson, but just call me Dean, like I'm a rebel without causes!

Location: At the best girlie school in the nation! Oh, don’t take that negatively. It’s just that there are girls here, so it’ll be girlie, right? Yeah! Sure it is!

Household: I have a son who I love very much. And I had a wife who I love not being with anymore just as much. Just kidding, she’s a great lady…considering she can’t really be alive with her black heart.

Fav. Music: Oh I like your hip hop and your Snoops Dogg and Doctors and the like. The whole Knuckleheads With Altitude crew! I’m also a huge fan of Foreigner who STILL put on a great show!

Fav. Movies: Is there anything better than Kindergarten Cop? You have laughs, you have action, and you have ferrets.

Fav. TV Show: Welcome Back, Carter! So much young talent in one place. Same with Three’s Company.

Fav. Sites: I just found this and man, that sneezing panda is the cutest, most ferocious killing machine I’ve ever seen

Fav. Books: Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader always gets me through the…tough…times, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

Personal Note: No, YOU are!

Meet: Toby, Nathaniel, Clint, and Gavin

Note: These profiles were pulled from City College's systems from a census and survey of the students' views on City College. They were intended to gauge what could be added or subtracted to college life on campus from the administration's point of view. These are real answers provided by four students. They did not help in any way.

Student's Name: Toby Boyle

Major: Female Anatomy

Class Year: Junior

Age: 24

Favorite Class, and why? Boxing, cause I'm kick ass so I can do it for credit

Least Favorite Class, and why? History, cause of dates, names, and stupid things that happen in Europe or whatever

Favorite Part of City College? The hot chicks

Least Favorite Part of City College? The ugly chicks

If you had one million dollars to improve the school, what would you spend it on? Kegs of Natty Ice!

Student's Name: Clint Gerbe

Major: Female Anatomy

Class Year: 2012

Age: 19 and counting

Favorite Class, and why? Rhetoric is cool, cause you can talk about stuff, and I like talking about stuff more than learning about stuff. And I think I write good.

Least Favorite Class, and why? Advanced Mircobiology. I never took it, but, it's gotta suck, right?

Favorite Part of City College? No parents

Least Favorite Part of City College? Crabs

If you had one million dollars to improve the school, what would you spend it on? I'd get like a big ass statue of some old hot chick cause then it looks like we're being smart and stuff but we also get a giant hot chick. So it's got like double whatevers, ya know?

Student's Name: Gavin Orpik

Major: Female Anatomy

Class Year: Junior, 2012 or 13

Age: 21

Favorite Class, and why? Astronomy, cause I can learn about Uranus. Unless a dude is reading this, cuz then I don't like Uranus.

Least Favorite Class, and why? Women's Lit. Totally didn't read the class title right.

Favorite Part of City College? Beirut

Least Favorite Part of City College? When you guys send my report card home. I turned that off but you keep sending it!

If you had one million dollars to improve the school, what would you spend it on? I'd get models to stand around campus, cause this way, like, you can attract more people with attractive girls. You can take that one for free.

Student's Name: Nathaniel Schneider

Major: Female Body

Class Year: Freshman

Age: 18

Favorite Class, and why? The same as what Toby Boyle said

Least Favorite Class, and why? The same as what Gavin Orpik said

Favorite Part of City College? Hangin' with my bros Gavin, Toby, and Clint!

Least Favorite Part of City College? The same was what Clint Gerbe said

If you had one million dollars to improve the school, what would you spend it on? A better French studies section of the library, it's hard to find stuff from like pre-19th Century

Meet: Katy, Rachel, Haley, and Angelica

Name: Katy

Location: Portland, Oregon, home of the Blazers, son!

Household: Got some ‘rents, an older sister who’s little miss perfect and a little brother who’s a total screw up. So yeah, I’m the middle child.

Fav. Music: I like…John Butler Trio, The Shins (hometown!), Wilco, Iron & Wine, Bela Fleck & the Flecktones, totally, Modest Mouse (kinda hometown!), moe. and more I just kinda don’t want to write anymore

Fav. Movies: Dazed and Confused is the best, Dark Crystal with Bowie junk all over the place, Fear and Loathing, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is sooo funny, Super Troopers, Empire Records, The Wall is trippy, BIG LEBOWSKI oh man, soooo funny

Fav. TV Show: Fraggle Rock!!!!

Fav. Sites: That took sooo much to admit.

Fav. Books: Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, The Tipping Point, Most Hunter S. Thompson stuff, uhh, things with words and covers

Personal Note: How much do a pack of cigs cost in Mass? It's a lot, isn't it? Dammit.

Name: Rachel

Location: Waterbury, CT

Household: I’m the oldest of 4. My Dad and my mom split a while back, so my Mom works most of the day and I usually take care of things around the house.

Fav. Music: Aretha Franklin, anything Motown, Otis Redding, Sly & the Family Stone, The Beatles, Common, The Fugees, Lauryn Hill similar sounds. Gotta have soul, cause everything else around me is so friggin hectic.

Fav. Movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Crash, Babel, Brokeback Mountain, The Ice Storm, Garden State

Fav. TV Show: Law and Order SVU, some Oprah, I guess. I don’t watch TV that much.

Fav. Sites: Not a lot of time to do sit around on the internet. Myspace, I guess. I like checking out music on there sometimes.

Fav. Books: Only stuff I get to read in school, so Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, Things Fall Apart, Lord of the Flies

Personal Note: I can’t wait to let my hair down, unless it gets on the floor. Cause that’s disgusting.

Name: Haley

Location: Alliance, OH

Household: Yes

Fav. Music: Yes

Fav. Movies: Yes

Fav. TV Show: Yes

Fav. Sites: No

Fav. Books: No

Personal Note: No. Wait, yes: this is dumb. Hope it helps !!!!!

Name: Angelica

Location: Chevy Chase, MD

Household: I have two parents and a dog named Skippy. I didn’t name her, or else I wouldn’t have named her “Skippy.” Now she’s old and she limps. Terrible choice all around.

Fav. Music: All the classcis. Bananarama, The Beegees, Ace of Base. Y’know, the best of the best. Well, and the Rolling Stones. Mostly them.

Fav. Movies: One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, The Godfather Part II, Sixteen Candles, Chaplin’s The Kid, not the Bruce Willis Disney crapfest, anything with The Three Stooges, nyuk nyuk

Fav. TV Show: my absolute favorite is probably I Love Lucy, then maybe The Odd Couple, theeennn Ducktails, woo-ooohhh!

Fav. Sites: wikipedia – anything and everything

Fav. Books: Mostly comics, like The Dark Knight Returns, Preacher, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Batman: Year One, and all the Sin City books. Well, almost all of them.

Personal Note: A fart by any other name smells just as bad. Isn’t that Shakespeare?