Sunday, January 4, 2009

Meet: Dean Anderson and Ms. Barron

Note: These surveys were sent out by Elmore Two's Resident Advsior Beth to both Dean Anderson and the Hall Director, Ms. Barron, with the intent of sharing this with the students upon their arrival. After reviewing both submissions, it was decided it would be best if they were not shared with the residents.

Name: Ms. Barron, not "Miss" or "Mrs." but "Ms." as my personal life should not effect my title

Location: Swinton College, naturally. That’s where I am writing this, as you just handed this to me Beth. To be even more precise, Elmore, Floor Two.

Household: That is none of your business. We have a professional working relationship and the students would not benefit from such knowledge.

Fav. Music: Early Bob Dylan (before he sold out), CSNY, Joan Baez, and Aimee Mann if you want something contemporary.

Fav. Movies: Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Shadow of a Doubt, Notorious, Casablanca, Magnolia, if you want something in color

Fav. TV Show: Television is not something I waste my time with.

Fav. Sites: is my new homepage. I am just waiting for the official word to come and when the site goes up.

Fav. Books: Tidal Wave, The Color Purple, Before Women Had Wings, Their Eyes Were Watching God

Personal Note: I hope this was insightful, although I’m not sure why it would be or why you would bother asking of me such questions. Enjoy the school year.

Name: Dean Anderson, but just call me Dean, like I'm a rebel without causes!

Location: At the best girlie school in the nation! Oh, don’t take that negatively. It’s just that there are girls here, so it’ll be girlie, right? Yeah! Sure it is!

Household: I have a son who I love very much. And I had a wife who I love not being with anymore just as much. Just kidding, she’s a great lady…considering she can’t really be alive with her black heart.

Fav. Music: Oh I like your hip hop and your Snoops Dogg and Doctors and the like. The whole Knuckleheads With Altitude crew! I’m also a huge fan of Foreigner who STILL put on a great show!

Fav. Movies: Is there anything better than Kindergarten Cop? You have laughs, you have action, and you have ferrets.

Fav. TV Show: Welcome Back, Carter! So much young talent in one place. Same with Three’s Company.

Fav. Sites: I just found this and man, that sneezing panda is the cutest, most ferocious killing machine I’ve ever seen

Fav. Books: Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader always gets me through the…tough…times, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

Personal Note: No, YOU are!

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