Tuesday, January 6, 2009

...Any Questions?

It seems as if there are some references, turns of phrases, and motivations that you might feel you're not be totally on point about, you can leave a question here or hit me on my email, kingmanton [a] gmail.com. I'd prefer here, so maybe you can answer someone else's question.


whaddupjoh said...

Hey Manton,
What do Haley and Mona usually wear? Especially in the opening scene when they introduce themselves. Thanks

Manton said...

This is a bit more of a Tom and Mer (specifically Mer) question, but I'd say that they would be dressed better than the rest of the froshies, and probably all the time, so trendy, designer-ish stuff. My maleness is coming out. I guess jeans, nice tops, mostly dark colors, higher-end in general.

If that makes sense.

whaddupjoh said...

thanks manton (: