Monday, April 20, 2009


Well, I tried to make an iMix, but they don't have three songs (damn you, Apple! or damn you, Ramones and Talking Heads!) so I figured I would just list them. There will be songs for the pre-set and intermission, I think, so this is just what is locked down now:

Preshow: Vampire Weekend - Campus

Act I
After Sc 1: Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower
After Sc 3: Bob Dylan - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
After Sc 4: Beck - Orphans
After Sc 5: The White Stripes - I'm Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman Everyday
After Sc 6: The Who - Behind Blue Eyes
After Sc 8: Gnarls Barkley - Going On
After Sc 9: Talking Heads - Life During Wartime
After Sc 10: The Whigs - Right Hand On My Heart
After Sc 12: Radiohead - Optimistic

Act II
After Sc 1: Broken Social Scene - 7/4 (Shoreline)
After Sc 3: Otis Redding - Try A Little Tenderness
After Sc 4: Danny and the Juniors - At The Hop
After Sc 5: Interpol - Slow Hands
After Sc 6: The Cool Kids - Bassment Party
During Sc 10: The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop and Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
After Sc 11: The Kinks - You Really Got Me

Encore: The Eagles of Death Metal - Don't Speak (I Came To Make A Bang!)

There's a longer playlist (one song per every in between scene) but this is the one that we'll be using. So yeah, there ya go.


Rachel said...

so i got a note on this last night but in on the scenes..i really dont remember which...the line starts out with "beth..." but in every other line i say "bethany..."...should i just say bethany there? because it seems more in character

Manton said...

Go for it ! Let me know where that is so I can fix it for my workprint of the script.

Rachel said...

gah...i think its the bathroom scene..1.4