Friday, April 3, 2009

What's In A Name?

Thanks to the intrepid Liz, I now have a 50th blog post to put up (hurrah!). Yep, we're half way to one hundred, and unless a TON of stuff unexpectedly happens over the next three weeks, this'll probably be the only big landmark this blog's ever gonna get. So let's enjoy it while we can, folks.

In the previous post, Liz left a comment asking, "where did you get the characters' names from? I thought Alison was the only name you took from a song, but then you mentioned Jolene was also inspired by a song, so I was just wondering who else was inspired by stuff."

A good question, so I'll go through and list [i]every single name[/i] and the deep thinking that went into each one. I found the original roll call sheet (but won't be posting as there is a bit too much course language and 'real people' names attached to a few of them) so I'll take from that as well.

Alison - From the Elvis Costello song, which is great, cause the song is all about someone who got you name your child after it so that it can run away and get married on you. I guess it's just forward thinking and looking towards the inevitable.
Will - I had recently written a one-act on William Shakespeare, and I'm pretty sure "Will" just stuck after that.
Beth - Seems like the name of a hapless RA
Vicky - Wasn't her given name (something involving her perceived use of men was the place holder), but fell into it. Sounds in your face. Also the name of my cousin's business partner, so we get a laugh out of that.
Sarah - Originally "Suzanne" do to a joke about the name of said cousin, and she's the only person other than my mom and the Lups who have read every draft, so I thought that'd be a nice gag. But "Sue" or "Suzanne" isn't as fun to yell as "SARAH!" Also, every Sarah (or Sara) I've ever known have been polite, decent, and generous, so I love the twist.
Dean Anderson - WASP
Ms. Anita Barron - First Gloria, but I had watched West Side Story recently, and as a tribute to my favorite musical of all time (out of the 4 I actually like) I threw in Anita. Barron feels like the character a bit. Strong, proud, nearly to a fault.
Eric - There was a kid on my floor Freshman year who I thought was just like this character for a solid two or three weeks. He'd just mutter something really off color, then walk back alone to his single. He isn't like that after getting to know him, but since the play takes place over 2 or 3 weeks....
Jolene - I wanted someone who hasn't from the northeast, and I had a neighbor for two years from Hilton Head, and was listening to The White Stripes' cover of Dolly Parton's "Jolene." And there we go. There was also a real southern girl named Jolene who moved to PR for her senior year in like 01, and it was the oddest name I've ever heard. Wanted that same sort of reaction in the college.
Meg - It's the shortest thing she'll ever say.
Bridgette - Originally was Gertrude, just wanted the juxtaposition of the name vs. the character, just like the girl who the character is based off of. She'd wear big, NE Patriots gray sweatshirts and 500 dollar shoes. Truckdriver mouth, dainty sensibilities.
Clint, Gavin, Toby, Nathanial - WASP WASP WASP WASP. All of those names attend Boston College (in fact, all of their last names, as featured in their Meet: blog are of BC hockey players, past and present). Also, helped named by Mr. Lupfer.
Hillary - HRC, in case you didn't know already.
Jocelyn - I hear this name and I think of a turtleneck sweater.
Becca and Katy - Two friends who aren't stoners, so it makes me giggle.
Lauren - Who I just realized was originally cut, named after my friend Deejo. Character is pretty much her, too.
Madison - Doesn't it just sound as pure as the driven snow?
Mona and Haley - Two really sweet sophomore girls from my floor freshman year. Again, I giggle alone.
Maya - Just sounds otherworldly. If I wanted to make the way her character is now play, I probably would change her name to something more basic, to show how she's just fallen into spirituality as opposed to believing in it.
Rachel - Of all the Rachels I know, none of them was a clean freak. I needed to rectify that issue, obviously.
Kris - This is what "Christine" is called when she rebels, and Kris rebelled at 15 and hasn't really looked back since.
Angelica - Play on the word "angel."
Jen - Named after my friend Jen, another sophomore from my floor, who truly doesn't like social situations (not nearly to this extent). She also has a turtle dog toy that squeaks, and might lend us the original stuffed-animal-chew-toy for Beth, and will probably be at the show.

Funny, I cut Lauren but had in an artsy girl named Alex and Mary Jane, who would've been real characters. Then I needed another sensible voice in the room (Lauren), didn't want to add another intro to the opening (Alex) and had no way to get this person to where I needed them to be (Mary Jane) so they were just a text message. Oh technology and laziness.

If you've made it through all of that, enjoy your break! I'll try and throw some stuff up here to keep you from being bored, so far away from the education and learning you all hold so dear.

(ps the post tags are other school name options, all "_________ College")

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