Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reflections From The Read

Well, the first rehearsal is in the books. In fact, the second rehearsal is going on now, but I am blissfully uninvolved as characters are built and understood better (while I tool around with my new blu-ray player). I just wanted to comment on a trend that I saw develop yesterday and ask for some assistance.

It seemed to me that interpretations of certain jokes read yesterday went a bit overboard, and away from my intent. There are some jokes hat are a tad gauche, but I intended for only a few of them to be pointed, but it came across that there were more. Your interpretation of my work is not something I can control, fight over, or is even up for me deciding that you're "wrong." I made a script, you make of it what you will - that's your job description as actors.

However, this project is not fun when it makes people ill-at-ease, uncomfortable, or simply makes the process not a fun and enjoyable experience. If you have problems with content that might hinder your appreciation of your time in creating the staged version of [i]Disorientation[/i], I'd love to know about it. You can always email me at antonmichaelp [at] gmail or leave an anonymous comment here on this post.

I wrote this to create a positive and unique experience for you guys, and would not want to see it ruined by my own hand (that'd be rather contradictory, wouldn't it?). So by all means, voice our opinion.

Now after all of that, who wants a ride on the Tobycoaster?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Actually completely irrelevant to the post but I was just wondering: where did you get the characters' names from? I thought Alison was the only name you took from a song, but then you mentioned Jolene was also inspired by a song, so I was just wondering who else was inspired by stuff.