Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Schedule Up

If you check on the google site for Disorientation you'll find a better breakdown of the schedule for reheasrsals. This way, if you're Frank, you're not unknowingly rolling in to a bathroom scene and your afternoon of doing nothing takes a serious 40 minute hit out of it (not to say Frank doesn't use his time effectively or not, but merely as an example). I'd copy and paste the address of the site or merely the schedule itself, but Im iPhone-ing from DC here, so go to the only other site for the play you know of that many of you go to first before coming here anyway thereby rendering this meaning worthless to most of you.

But it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

To further one point that the Lups brought up, please attend all mandatory rehearsals. I had to completely cut one character out already and I adore this cast and want this to be the original cast of my first (only?) play. And there's no way in hell we have the luxury of cutting someone, re-writing, possibly re-casting, and then memorizing. We have exactly enough time now and not a minute less.

Hope you're all enjoying the memorization process while on break - hopefully it's more fun then memorizing the salient points of the Magna Carta or whatever you normally do in school. My apologies to Sam and Kelsey for the amount of verbage. No sympathy for Tara, Liz or Gabby. Christine, you're on the fence.

See you when I see you

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