Friday, December 5, 2008

So Now You Have Your Script

What do you do with it? It's thick enough to ward off any attacker by simply spraying pages into his or her eyes. It's sturdy enough to use as an oversized paperweight, ironically made out of nothing but paper. It's bright enough to use as a reflector when you tan.

But hopefully you'll just kinda read it. I'd warn you by saying it's 120 pages and that it'll take some time, so maybe rock that Act Break on page 62 and take a break yourself. But, after checking the status updates of some of you nutbags, I kind of have the idea that you're going to just rip through the entire thing in 15 minutes. More power to you, voracious readers.

I also hope that as you all read the full piece that I tried to give every character something that can leave a mark in your audience's heads as they leave the theater. When I was an actor, all those years ago, I relished playing a smaller role that I could really sink my teeth into and have fun with, even if I had, say three lines. I tried very, very hard to make it so that every actor would have to work to make an imprint, but that it was there in the writing.

You all saw the Yeah Dudes yesterday. Most of them you won't see again after that scene. But are you going to forget them? Some characters have only a handful of lines but have their own non-speaking arcs that could be really fun to watch if you take it all the way through. Some characters just have a one-liner, but hopefully it's funny and you bring that comedy out of you and the character. Yeah, it's great to have your work presented, I won't lie about that. But my main goal was to create something that would be both fun and challenging for a fairly large cast. That's the goal I would like to see reached.

If you have any questions about what you read, a reference you don't get, a description that befuddles, or any other concern, comment or question, feel free to leave something here, wall post or message me on the facebook (or the PV group), or an email either to the one listed on the title page or kingmanton [@] gmail (I'd prefer the latter email, but will take from either). I'll be back in town on Sundeeeee if I don't get bored and hit up a computer in Boston Saturday afternoon.

Congrats again. Hope you like it.

ps Go BU, BC Sucks

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